Friday, March 28, 2008

Welcome. It's Time to Save a Small World Afterall.

Hi, and welcome to my blog on Disneyland and other things. Disneyland is not merely a theme park, it is a place near and dear to the hearts of millions. Disneyland has a history and heart that can never be replicated, and in my mind it will always be "The Happiest Place on Earth." However, there are many times where executives allow "The Happiest Place on Earth" to become a little less happy. This blog is dedicated to saving Disneyland from the mindless executives and marketeers who only view it as a place to make a profit, and don't care how much history and magic they destroy in the process.

As you may be aware, It's a Small World at Disneyland is undergoing a massive year long refurbishment. TDA has actually confirmed the inclusion of many Disney characters in the ride. Though, not yet confirmed it looks like the rainforest will also be destroyed for an America scene.

It's a Small World is about world peace, and how people all over the world are actually quite similar. The idiotic inclusion of Disney characters and an America section will destroy It's a Small World's message. There is no point in including an America section, because whether American or not, everybody riding it is well aware of America (considering the ride is in America), and don't need any attention drawn to it. On the other hand, rainforests are being destroyed and desperately need attention drawn to them.

I urge you all to visit and please write Disney to help save It's a Small World.

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